22 de jul. de 2024

Carta ao PM da Dinamarca para liberar Paul Watson


O Capitão Paul Watson está preso na Dinamarca e corre o risco de ser extraditado para o Japão, que ilegalmente lançou um pedido de prisão do capitão por ele se opor a matança de baleias por aquele país. Escreva para o PM da Dinamarca para que ele cumpra a lei internacional. Email: stm@stm.dk

To the attention of:  

Mrs. Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark  
Christiansborg Palace  
1218 Copenhagen K  

Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing to you today to express my deep concern and strong opposition to the extradition of Paul Watson, founder of the NGO Sea Shepherd, to Japan. Mr. Watson was arrested on Sunday, July 21, in Greenland while making a refueling stop with his ship. He is now in detention and faces the risk of being extradited to Japan, following a 2012 arrest warrant for "conspiracy to board." This warrant, however, is fundamentally flawed and abusive, as it targets Mr. Watson for his courageous efforts to prevent the illegal whaling activities that contravene international conventions.

It is crucial to recall that Captain Paul Watson and his crew were headed to the North Pacific to prevent the Japanese ship Kangei Maru from illegally killing whales. His intervention, though radical, has always been peaceful and aimed at enforcing the 1986 international moratorium that bans whaling. Thanks to his actions, approximately 5,000 cetaceans have been spared from harpoons. Whaling is an outlawed and illegal practice that only three countries shamefully continue: Japan, Norway, and Iceland.

Paul Watson has devoted his life to protecting endangered marine animals. The Japanese arrest warrant is an abuse of Interpol's "red notice," originally intended to track international criminals, now being used to suppress a political and environmental opponent. Extraditing Paul Watson to Japan would be tantamount to a death sentence. At 73 years old and a father of three, he would face harsh imprisonment conditions.

For the past year, Paul Watson has been residing in France, where he continues his fight alongside Sea Shepherd France, traveling across the country to give lectures and tirelessly advocate for ocean conservation. It is imperative that France, represented by President Emmanuel Macron, formally request that Denmark refuse this extradition.

### Legal Argumentation

It is also essential to highlight the following legal aspects, which render this extradition not only morally reprehensible but potentially illegal and an abuse of law:

1. *Violation of International Moratorium*: Japan continues to practice whaling in blatant violation of the 1986 international moratorium, an interdiction supported by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). By extraditing Paul Watson, Denmark would indirectly support this illegal activity.

2. *Non-Refoulement Principle*: Under international human rights law, notably Article 3 of the Convention Against Torture, Denmark is obliged not to extradite a person to a state where they risk being subjected to torture or inhumane or degrading treatment. Given the harsh detention conditions and potential treatment Paul Watson might face in Japan, his extradition could violate this fundamental principle.

3. *Abuse of Procedure*: The use of an Interpol red notice by Japan in this context constitutes an abuse of procedure. Interpol’s mission is to combat international crime, not to pursue individuals for actions aimed at enforcing international law. The arrest of Paul Watson on this basis is legally questionable and could be considered an abuse of law.

4. *Defense of International Public Order*: The extradition of Paul Watson contradicts the principles of international public order, which include respecting international conventions on the conservation of endangered species. By protecting Paul Watson, Denmark would demonstrate respect for these principles and support the fight against illegal whaling practices.

By choosing not to extradite Paul Watson, you would powerfully affirm your commitment to justice and environmental protection. Your decisive action can make all the difference. Extraditing Paul Watson would not only be unjust but also send a disastrous message to all those fighting to preserve our planet.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this urgent matter. I sincerely hope you will intervene to prevent this unjust and inhumane extradition.

Yours sincerely,


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